A Critical Need, A Call to Service

"In the Nation’s Service and the Service of Humanity” exemplifies the ethos that is Princeton University and the mission of the School of Public and International Affairs. It is a call to public service and a mandate to provide the tools and the academic environment to fulfill that call.



The Scholars in the Nation’s Service Initiative (SINSI) is designed to encourage, support and prepare the nation’s top students to pursue careers in the U.S. government, both in international and domestic agencies. SINSI offers an internship program and a graduate program.

The White House in DC
Jack Aiello wins HIPPO Award

Jack Aiello ‘21 MPA '25 has won employee of the month, or the HIPPO Award, during his rotation as a ECOSOC Adviser at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations.

Graduate  & Summer Intern Scholars

The latest cohort of scholars ready to embark on a journey towards serving the nation's interests across various governmental sectors.