Caroline Jones


Caroline Jones ’18 MPA '22 of Princeton, New Jersey, is a 2018 magna cum laude former Woodrow Wilson School, now known as the Princeton School of Public and International Affairs graduate who received certificates in Latin American Studies and the History and Practice of Diplomacy. She received the Richard H. Ullman Prize for the best senior thesis on U.S. foreign policy. Jones is also a recipient of the Shapiro Prize for Academic Excellence.

Jones is the SINSI Intern Class of 2017 Tom A. and Andrea E. Bernstein ’80 Scholar. She worked in New York City at the U.S. State Department's Mission to the United Nations. During summer 2016, she interned at CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS as a recipient of the Ferris Grant for Summer Internships in Journalism. The previous summer she worked at the Wilson School's Innovations for Successful Societies research program on a variety of case studies about justice and security sector reform. As an undergraduate she sang with both the Princeton University Glee Club and Chamber Choir and was a member of Princeton's figure skating team.

In 2018 she became a SINSI graduate fellow and in June 2019, Jones started her fellowship at the Defense Department in the Office of Secretary Defense Policy (OSDP) for Afghanistan/Pakistan/Central Asia (APC). Jones graduated from the MPA program in 2022.